Hardness tests are typically used to determine the hardness or strength of a given material. This test enables us to define the resistance of a material to scratching, denting, or breaking. It is very much important to know about the hardness of stai...
もっと見るHigh Quality Cr17 Cast Steel Stainless Steel Coil Suppliers, Manufacturer. You’re in the right place! Taigang Puxin will help you find exactly what you want. We partner with trusted suppliers that provide quality products very cheap. At our store, se...
もっと見るThe other is electrical steel. Have you come across it yet? It is a specialized type of metal that is used to produce critical electronic devices such as transformers and motors. These devices are embedded in nearly every aspect of our daily lives, f...
もっと見るPPGI Coil- To know something about PPGI Coil. It is not only a major building material, but is also used to manufacture numerous products. Content: You are not just a shape up to October 2023. In case you are on the lookout for the top-rated PPGI Coi...
もっと見るAre you interested in learning about galvanized steel coils? If yes, then you landed the right place! So today, we will cover what they are, how they are made, and why they are so important. At Taigang Puxin, we believe that you should know what you ...
もっと見る鉄管の強度はどのくらいかご存知ですか? また、ステンレス鋼管の硬さはどうやって調べるのかと疑問に思ったことがあるかもしれません。この記事では、鉄管の硬さを調べる科学的な方法を説明します。これまでのところ、この章では...
もっと見るステンレスは、多くの人が日常的に使用するユニークな種類の金属です。| 鍋、フライパン、調理器具、手術器具、さらには建物など、さまざまなものに使用されています。非常に丈夫で壊れにくいため、よく「ステンレスは壊れやすい」という話を聞きます。
もっと見るステンレス鋼棒は、非常に多機能で、多目的、統一された色、多仕様の金属の 1 つであり、多くの種類のプロジェクトに付加価値をもたらします。たとえば、木材は住宅の建設、家具の製造、装飾ジュエリーに使用されます。優れた...